
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our Family of Four :)

The twins have arrived!! Addison Reed (Baby A) was born first at 0747 September 3, 2010 weighing 6lbs and 1oz and 18.5 inches long. She's on the right in the above picture. Anna Lindsey (Baby B) was born at 0748 September 3, 2010 weighing 5lbs 8oz and 19 inches long. She's on the left in the above photo. Addison spent a few hours in the NICU because she couldn't keep her temperature up and needed to stay under the warmer. However, we all came home healthy, and happy on Labor Day. :) Today, they are 12 days old and I'm already wondering where the time has gone! Life has definitely changed for us, but we are so in love with our sweet, baby girls. Motherhood is the most amazing thing I've ever felt. I have to admit, we have good babies. They're sleeping in 3 hour stretches at night so mommy is actually getting some sleep! :) Here are a few photos taken by some friends of ours. I'm going to try to update, but as you know...free time is a thing of the past!

My dads favorite name Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life and Death

The last few days...so many close to me have lost loved ones. And all at the same time, I know 4 women who've given birth to new life, and I'm waiting to bring 2 new little girls into this world. God works in mysterious ways. Death is such a hard thing to face, yet it comes. It's something most will never understand. I can't help but think of all the loved ones who passed through my life that are walking hand in hand with our Lord right now...watching over us, bringing the sun, the rain, the tears, and the joy. Oh how much I miss each of them and wish they could be here with us now. However, God has plans...plans for all of us. I can only hope that when my time comes, I've made memorable impressions among the ones I leave, as the ones who've left me have done. Each day, I stop, mostly when I'm outside, to look around and realize what God has created, and ask Him for forgiveness for taking it all for granted. We do...we take His beauty and grace for granted. As for my angels, those who I miss as each minute passes, I pray you continue to help me realize this path the Lord has made for me, and help me walk in that path and follow His word, His wishes. Death, I understand it as much as one possibly could, however, it's never easy. Are you living each day as if it were your last? Think about it....
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False Alarm...35 weeks 4 days

I was admitted to the hospital Friday, August 20th. It was a false alarm, but better to be safe than sorry. At my regular appointment (35 weeks 4 days) I had a little protein in my urine and my blood pressure has been creeping up (160's/90's). I had actually called into work the day before because I had been having dizzy spells and just didn't feel good. I kind of expected being admitted for a little while just based on how I felt. They checked to make sure I wasn't developing preeclampsia. My lab work came back OK, so Dr. Duke sent me home on bed rest. I've been resting a lot. I don't think I really knew how tired I was. It's like going through the first trimester again, the tiredness anyway. The only difference is trying to find a comfortable position in between bathroom trips every 2 hours. :) The joys of pregnancy...but I wouldn't change a thing. I can't wait to meet our sweet girls.

Drew is taking excellent care of us. God has given me a wonderful husband and father to my girls. :) Life couldn't be better.
My dads favorite name Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Doc Appt.

My doc appt went VERY well! The girls are doing great...Addison weighs 3lbs 14oz. and Anna weighs 3lbs and 8oz. We'll leave mommy's weight off of this post..however, I will say I've gained 49 lbs throughout my pregnancy. :/ Needless to say, I hope the weight falls off after the girls get here. One can dream right?? Addison has HAIR! It was floating during the ultrasound. :):) Anna didn't cooperate much through this ultrasound. We got one good picture of Anna.

So..my cervix is still completely closed! Dr. G is hoping we can make it to 38 weeks which will be labor day. :) The girls have cooperated so far without any bizarre complaints, so I guess we'll see. They have minds of their own. Even though they are still in utero, they are very spoiled little girls already. My BIG baby shower is this weekend, and I, ugh correction, we, are VERY excited! Can't wait to visit with family and friends and see all the PINK! I will post some pics here and update after the shower. Hope everyone is well. We love you and thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Geez...hard to believe its almost time. Oh, and...the nesting has YET to begin?! I;m wondering when that will kick in...lol!

My dads favorite name Pictures, Images and Photos